Blog | Shouta

What your weekend plans say about you & your friends

Written by Shouta | May 31, 2021 2:00:00 PM

And how to use this intel to treat them


You’ve just woken up on a bright Saturday morning — the whole weekend is ahead of you and it’s full of possibilities. Suddenly, your phone beeps; it’s your best friend, asking if you’re keen to catch up today. For once, you’re free as a bird. Or is that social butterfly? You text your bestie back to lock in some plans.


But while you were making an innocent attempt to improve your weekend, you probably didn’t realise you were giving us all a peek into your personality. Yes, just like the clothes you wear, or the coffee you order, your favourite weekend activities say a lot about you. We can prove it.


Brunch at a local cafe


Brunch goers are adventurous types; they’re always up for exploring their town or city, and aren’t afraid to choose the weirdest item on the menu. Fish pancake at 8am — why not? They love their brunch with a side of gossip; there’s nothing more satisfying than catching up on the drama from the night before. Being the explorers that they are, they have no interest in tying themselves down to a home. Which is lucky, because they spend all of their money on smashed avo.


🍳 What we’d buy them: Know someone who can’t live without their weekly session of bacon & eggs? Treat them to brunch at their favourite cafe, or introduce them to somewhere new, via the Shouta™ App.


A trip to the farmer’s markets


Rise ‘n shine, early birds. Those that frequent farmer’s markets prefer to get up early with a green smoothie than stay up late with a boozy cocktail. Health and wellness is a huge priority, so it’s likely they’ve come straight from a Pilates class. Free spirit and kind souls, they love to travel to places far and wide — their suitcase usually packed with lots of linen, earthy tones and a great camera.


🧘 What we’d buy them:


Got one of these in your circle? Remind them you’re thinking of them by shouting them their next Pilates or yoga class via the Shouta™ App. Green smoothie optional.


Weekend at the footy


We’re just going to come right out and say it: there is no one in this world more passionate than a football fan. It’s a personality trait that’s obvious in every part of their life; footy fanatics love their team, love their mates and love their family. Whether you want to have a fun night out, or need to borrow $5 to buy a pie with sauce because you forgot your wallet, a footy fan is always there.


🏉 What we’d buy them:


Celebrating a win or getting over a loss — we all know a footy fan who deserves a gift. Shout them to a piece of team merch (that they can pick up at the next game!) or a round of drinks, via the Shouta™ Ap.


Chained to the laptop


Some people just love to work on the weekends. Call it getting ahead. Or maybe, it’s a case of ‘angry boss expects everything by Monday morning’? Either way, these people are often chained to their laptop, surrounded by pizza boxes and cans of Red Bull. Eek. On the plus side, they have incredible determination, strength and resilience — which comes in handy when they run out of wine.


👩‍💻 What we’d buy them:


Working on the weekend sucks. If one of your friends or family members is always behind the screen, brighten them with a surprise coffee, lollies, or both, via the Shouta™ App.


Long lunch with the girls


Meet the social butterflies. Long lunch lovers always have a jam-packed weekend, partly because they have plenty of friends, and partly because they’d go to the opening of an envelope. In other words, they like to have fun, surrounded by their nearest and dearest — and a selection of colourful drinks. You might even see one in the wild, carrying their heels after a particularly boozy brunch.


🍸 What we’d buy them:


Isn’t it obvious? Next time your bestie, sister, wife or girlfriend is out for a long lunch, send her a round of delicious cocktails for her table, via the Shouta™ app!


Netflix and Uber Eats marathon


If you love nothing more on a weekend than kicking back in your best robe, an Uber Eats feast and a whole season of your favourite show, chances are you deserve it. These people are hard workers! They’ve shown up all week, and now it’s time to unwind with their bestie or partner. They’re also the one to text when you’re in need of a good movie or TV series reco — it’s easily their defining feature.


🍿 What we’d buy them:


Whether they’ve had a great week, or a terrible week, the answer is always pizza. Help them have the best night in, by shouting a stack of surprise pizzas via the Shouta™ App.


Has this reminded you of a friend or family member? Time to send them an eGift, to let them know you’re thinking of them! Get the Shouta™ App today, so send all these gifts and more.